Welcome to St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church

Upcoming Events

  • Adult Education Series

    Mar 18 | 5:30PM

    “Holy Presanctified Gifts for Holy People”

    Come learn about the differences which make Prescantified Liturgy different than Divine Liturgy, including why only the Old Testament and Proverbs are read during these services.

  • All Souls Remembrance

    Mar 7-Apr 11 | 5:30PM

    Join us for Presanctified Liturgy as we pray for our deceased relatives and parishioners every Friday beginning March 7 through April 11, 2025.

  • The Canon of St Andrew of Crete

    Apr 03 | 6:00-9:00PM

    St Andrew, a bishop, theologian, and hymnographer of the 8th century, left us his canon to enjoy the beautiful reflections of the Great Fast.

    Come for an hour, or stay as long as you are able.

Pray with us

Established in 1895, St Mary’s has been a true cornerstone to the Johnstown community. Originally founded by immigrants from Eastern Slovakia and Western Ukraine looking for a better life in the steel mill town, they brought with them their devout faith. Come experience our traditions by celebrating with us the Divine Liturgy and weekday services.

Divine Liturgy:
Saturdays: 4:00pm | Sundays: 10:00am

One hour before all Divine Liturgies, or by appointment

See calendar for weekday and Holy Day schedule